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A drone image of tolley hall.

We make every effort to resolve student complaints within the University, usually at the school/college or department level, using policies and procedures outlined in the University Course Catalog, the Student Handbook, College of Law Academic Handbook, or on the University Policies page.

Students have the right to utilize any and all such administrative procedures to address concerns and/complaints in as timely a manner as possible. For procedures regarding:


If you have concerns about a course grade and are considering an appeal of that grade, please see Academic Rules: 8.4.6 Grade Appeals.

Information on how to file a complaint is available at Academic Integrity Policy under Reporting an Academic Integrity Violation.

For academic complaints not related to grades or academic integrity, please contact the department chair or academic dean for assistance.

Distance Learning Students

Syracuse University’s degree and certificate programs delivered through distance education are registered with the New York State Education Department (NYSED).

The State Authorization

The State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) is a national initiative to provide more access to online courses while maintaining compliance standards with state regulatory agencies. SARA allows institutions to provide online courses outside of their own state borders by seeking and maintaining state approvals via a streamlined process. New York State joined SARA on December 9, 2016. On February 15, 2017, the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) approved institutional participation for Syracuse University.

The University is not required to be authorized in the one non-SARA state (California).

NC-SARA Student Consumer Protections include:

  • All SARA institutions must be accredited
  • SARA institutions must have U.S. oversight
  • SARA institutions must demonstrate healthy finances
  • SARA institutions are accountable for third-party providers
  • SARA institutions must adhere to high standards
  • SARA institutions must uphold stringent reporting and accountability requirements
  • SARA institutions are required to have transparency around professional licensure
  • SARA institutions must find ways to meet obligations to students
  • Student complaints are taken seriously
  • Compliance is non-negotiable

Distance Learning Complaint Process

Any student, including those out-of-state, who wishes to lodge a complaint or grievance must first file the complaint following Syracuse University's internal processes, typically initiated within the academic department. Grievances related to conduct of faculty, staff and other students should be brought to the Dean of Students Office.

NC-SARA consumer protection complaints should initiate with the Office of Academic Affairs. If a complaint is not resolved satisfactorily within the University, under terms of the NC-SARA agreement, a student may appeal the institution’s decision to the SARA Portal Entity, New York State Education Department (NYSED), within two years of the incident about which the complaint is made. As our state portal entity, NYSED will investigate dishonest or fraudulent activity by any institution participating in NC-SARA. This includes the possibility of an institution providing potentially misleading or false information.

SARA policies do not cover complaints related to grades or student conduct violations.

New York State Education Department
Andrea Richards
Supervisor of Higher Education Programs
89 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12234

Additional information regarding filing a complaint may be found below:

New York State Education Department

Violation of Non-Discrimination Policy

If you are interested in filing an alleged violation of the University’s Policy on Non-Discrimination, information can be found in the Office of Equal Opportunity, Inclusion and Resolution Services (EOIRS) information page or file a complaint through the Report a Concern form.

Americans with Disabilities Act

If you have a concern regarding academic accommodations or access to programs/services, please visit the Center for Disability Services.

If you feel you have been discriminated against based on a disability and are interested in obtaining more information about your rights please visit EOIRS's information page or file a complaint through the Report a Concern form.

Bias-Related Incidents

If you have experienced or witnessed a bias-related incident and you would like more information on reporting the incident via an anonymous web-based reporting tool please visit STOP Bias.

Code of Conduct

If your concern relates to an alleged violation of the Code of Student Conduct, information about the conduct process for students and information on how to file a complaint can be found at the Office of Community Standards. The College of Law’s Code of Student Conduct, including grievance procedures, can be found in the Academic Handbook.

Criminal Activity

If you were the victim of or witnessed criminal activity on campus and wish to file a report, please call the Department of Public Safety at 315.443.3728 or visit Report a Crime for more information.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Any student who has reason to believe that the University is not complying with FERPA or this policy should inform the University Registrar in writing. The Registrar shall promptly review all such allegations and initiate appropriate actions. For further information see Student Privacy Rights (FERPA).

Title IX

If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of sexual discrimination including sexual harassment, you can obtain information on the process on the EOIRS information page or fill out the form on the Report a Concern page.

University Ombuds

Provides faculty, staff and graduate students with an informal, confidential, impartial and independent resource to address concerns or questions openly without fear of retaliation or judgment. Please visit the University Ombuds page.

Other Complaint Processes for Students

For concerns not addressed in the previously listed topic areas, please consult the Syracuse University Grievance Procedures Policy. The Graduate School’s Grievance Resolution process for graduate students is available on the Policies and Requirements page. Complaint and grievance processes begin and are typically resolved at the department or school/college level.

If a complaint is not resolved satisfactorily internally (within the University), then students may file a complaint with the New York State Education Department (NYSED) which oversees higher education in New York.

Complaints may also be filed with the University’s accrediting agency, Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The Commission reviews complaints about substantive matters that are related to the quality of the institution or its academic programs.

Middle States Commission on Higher Education
1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801
Email:  Spanish: españ
General link:

This information is provided in compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 34, §668.43(b).

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